September 14, 2009

Why is it?

People like "RE Ausetkmt" have to come along and speak for everyone, as apparently (and I quote from her comment) "I just Don't Understand - as apparently no one else who visits here does either since you have no dialog here with anyone."

Why does there have to be a dialogue? Why can it not just be a thought, a food for thought, a one liner?

RE Ausetkmt said: "could you elaborate please, seriously before you drop on my blog again."
You do not like dropping your entrecard here, do not do it no sweat off my back . No one is making you do it, is it a tit for tat?


  1. I just saw that comment and thought how incredibly rude that was.

    I completely understand what your blog is all about. Not only do I understand, I enjoy visiting and dropping and reading. (Thanks for stopping by my site, by the way...)

    I can't help but wonder if you plan to visit that particular site again ...

  2. hopefully you and mom won't visit me again,
    since neither of you enjoy my site.

  3. This one blows me away that anyone would have the nerve to say that. What happened to a friendly little thanks for the drop and stopping

  4. I like to read your posts. It makes me even think of doing a blog like this where I'll just write one liners to sum up my thoughts. I am not fond of leaving comments although I do read posts on blogs I visited. Does that make me a click farmer as well, lol.

  5. Click farmers are usually persons who just drop and run to collect ECs :)

    They just produce a high bounce rate (visit of only one page/the main page) on the blogs of other members. That's why she doesn't want a visit from these persons.

    If you make a comment, you generate one more page view and the bounce rate will be a little bit lower.
