September 21, 2009

We all know

All the saying people have about a smile such as
A smile is free so why not give it away?
smile it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart.
Today I had a very bad day but I had to get a lot done.
Today a smile from a business man stuck in the same traffic jam as me put me in a better mood.
A smile is free and it is very powerful, smile at the next person you see, see what reaction you get.
Ohh and it was not because he was cute ;-)

September 17, 2009

I wonder

Too what a "Click Farmer" is. I do not know, Ann the only idea I could come to is it could be the same as Idiot Farming, you plant the seed and feed them manure and they turn into idiots all by themselves! Keep feeding them and they get more stupid.
Ok I give up, Click farming? there has to be a farmer out there some where to answer this question for Ann and myself.
A Valdese Blogger any ideas on growing clicks?

September 15, 2009


I clutched my chest, My heart was broken, someone called myself and a fellow reader "CLICK FARMERS."
Then I giggled insanely for about 5 minutes and put my head back into a book.

September 14, 2009

Why is it?

People like "RE Ausetkmt" have to come along and speak for everyone, as apparently (and I quote from her comment) "I just Don't Understand - as apparently no one else who visits here does either since you have no dialog here with anyone."

Why does there have to be a dialogue? Why can it not just be a thought, a food for thought, a one liner?

RE Ausetkmt said: "could you elaborate please, seriously before you drop on my blog again."
You do not like dropping your entrecard here, do not do it no sweat off my back . No one is making you do it, is it a tit for tat?